Apply For
A Grant


The Foundation seeks and funds projects that create educational opportunities for young people in need in South Australia. We proactively initiate partnerships with schools and charities that provide educational programs, but will review and consider other grant applications.



To be eligible for our grants, organisations must meet the following criteria:

Be registered with Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission and the Australian Tax Office, and have Deductible Gift Recipient Item 1 status.
Be an SA-based organisation (may have local, interstate or international operations).
Be able to articulate a differentiated or innovative offering (eg how it differs from similar services provided by others in South Australia).
Operate at the grassroots level—hands-on and directly with the young people and communities they hope to benefit.
Demonstrate ability to create a high impact for young people and communities (eg articulate and measure outcomes).

FY24 Timeline

1 July 2022 - 15 May 2023
Grant applications accepted for FY24
30 June 2023
Shortlist of FY24 grant applications reviewed by the board in-line with budget
31 July 2023
FY23 Grant acquittal reports due
15 September 2023
Final list of FY24 grants approved by board, applicants notified
30 September 2023
FY24 grants paid

Apply Now

Please fill in each section in this form
Please limit answers to 2-3 paragraphs in each section
Please consider the below eligibility criteria when providing your answers
Please direct any application enquiries by email to You can also download and print the Application by clicking here

  • Give a brief description of your organisation and its registration as a not-for-profit with eligible DGR status. Please attach your certificate of registration.
  • Provide a brief overview of the project including any relevant history. What is the origin and overall problem the project is working to overcome?
  • How has the community been involved in determining the need for this project? What studies/surveys with the local community in the past 12 months have provided evidence for the directions planned? Who in the community is to be benefited and what are their identified needs?
  • Please provide a summary of key objectives and outcomes for the project for FY24. What are the expected results (against your outcomes) in the lives of beneficiaries?
  • How will you measure the results and difference made? What processes do you use to measure and evaluate your work? Keep in mind you will need to report on this in your Annual Progress Report.
  • What are the details of the activities or framework for delivery of this project for FY24? Please provide target months/dates of each relevant stage of the project.
  • Who will be responsible for the different aspects of the project and control of the funds? Who will have ongoing responsibility over the lifespan of the project?
  • What is the financial support you are requesting from Milner Road Foundation in FY24? Please provide examples at 5k, 15k, 30k and list in order of priority.
  • Please attach a detailed budget for this project indicating how you will use our funds and any other sources of income. Please attach a copy of your latest audited financial statements.
    Drop files here or
    • Are there any identified risks to this project and what strategy will be put in place to mitigate those risks? Be realistic and honest with a measure to minimise each risk specified.
    • Milner Road Foundation requires that grant recipients have all relevant insurance and policies in place including but not limited to public liability, child protection and working with children policies. Describe the policies and systems that are/would be employed in this project.
    • Please provide 2 references that have interacted with your organisation or projects in the past.
    • Milner Road Foundation expects that due recognition is given to it by recipients of funding in documentation such as newsletters, websites, and annual reports. Likewise the Milner Road Foundation expects that information is provided for official reporting through satisfactory completion of the Annual Funding Acquittal. Please acknowledge that you understand this expectation and note if there are any expected issues in completing these forms.